Polkacipher Monthly Digest — November

4 min readNov 30, 2021


What a time to be Thankful! Seems like it should not end, but whatever has a beginning, has an ending too. The month of November is winding to a close and as much as we hate to see it go, we can’t wait for the excitement that December brings. Let’s have a rundown on the activities of your best blockchain solution provider and NFT and Metaverse ecosystem.

Let’s shine some spotlight on some of the Key activities that PolkaCipher achieved in November.

Interoperability has never been better

Remember the days when transferring NFT used to be so difficult? Well, those days are over as we have finished syncing more than 7 EVM chains on Polkacipher affording our users more interoperability and compatibility amongst tokens.

Wait for it!

Now that we are done adding some EVM chains, we are currently working on adding support to ERC 1155 for existing chains, that is ETH, BSC, and Polygon. We are working on ensuring that the deployment of contracts for 721, 1155 goes live soon.

$CPHR trading now live on Gate.io

Do you know that you can now trade $CPHR live on Gate.io? Well, we have decided to make things a little easier on our users by making resources for learning how to navigate Gate.io available.

Whatever your transaction fantasy with $CPHR is, we have got it all documented here. Why dont you check it out and begin your trading journey now!

We have beefed up mass minting on PolkaCipher

Of Course, Minting is live on Polkacipher but we are adding more delightful features to bring the best to our users. We have added mass minting along with some pro features. Users can now find readily available deployment of bridges for custom NFT contracts on Polkacipher.

Want to know what’s more interesting? Roll up has also been added so, users get to pay less and get more.

Wait a minute, we are not done yet!

Guess who won the best blockchain solution of the year 2021?

Your guess is right! Polkacipher was voted the best blockchain solution for the year by the Europe AIBC Awards 2021 for Malta week. Our Chief Marketing Officer — — received the awards on our behalf and we are not stopping this moving train. We remain focused on providing you with the best when it comes to privacy-focused cross-chain NFT and the Metaverse ecosystem.

We also celebrated our win with a meme contest. Did you miss it? You can check out the details here.

Guess what? We already have winners for our meme competition and you can check their amazing memes.

The first place prize of $50 USDT

Second place prize of $40 USDT

Third place prize of $30 USDT

The fourth and Fifth place price of $15 USDT each

Thank you all for participating and please get in touch with us! You can look out for our next competition and be a winner as well!

New Goodies! Encrypted NFTs are coming!

We are concerned about protecting your data and giving you control of your privacy. We are working on Encrypted NFTs that allow you to redact some data on the digital document that you send as NFTs. And guess what? It will be available soon.

Wow! What are Encrypted NFTs

You know how you do not want the prying eyes of the public on your private transactions? How would you love to have people see a different image of your NFT rather than the actual NFT itself? Polkacipher is working on ensuring that your NFT is protected by showing pixelated or low-resolution images to the general public. However, you get to see the full image upon decryption.

Wait a minute! There is more…

We are also working on the UI for explorer and what’s more, we are bringing in support to 10 chains at its launch users will also have the option to verify contracts.

Learning is fun with Polkachipher

We had some interesting learning resources that you may want to take a look at. If you are interested in finding out how different crypto is from traditional finance, check out this article: Exploring financial freedom through crypto and the end of traditional finance era

Wondering what the NFT hype is all about? Well, this can help you out: What you think you know about why NFTs are so hyped right now is all wrong

December — Winter is Coming!

We do not know what goodies Santa and his Elves will be printing us as gifts this Christmas but at PolkaCipher, Look out for these blockbuster features

Want to be part of our growing community? You can join us! We love to have your support and presence as we navigate the Metaverse together.

About Polkacipher

PolkaCipher is a privacy-preserving oracle network on the Polkadot Blockchain focused on bringing the use case of private NFTs to off-chain businesses and being a bridge for seamless integration to on-chain Defi apps.

PolkaCipher’s unique offerings help push the use-cases of the NFTs in real-world scenarios while still being connected to a cross-chain network that is fair and accurate. PolkaCipher intends to achieve business goals by helping users transact privately and securely using NFTs as a mode of access to different decentralized apps (Dapps) and real-world business rewards.

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Cross Chain Privacy-Preserving Oracle Network Built on Polkadot Network